Malahide Cricket Club

Founded 1861

Co. Dublin

Club Policies

Malahide Cricket Club Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Policy

1. Introduction
Malahide Cricket Club (the "Club") is committed to promoting equality, diversity, and
inclusion in all its activities, both on and off the field. We aim to create an
environment where all individuals feel respected, valued, and empowered to
contribute fully to the success of the Club. This policy outlines our commitment and
the measures we will take to ensure an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere for all
members and visitors.

2. Scope
This policy applies to all members, players, coaches, volunteers, employees, and
visitors of Malahide Cricket Club.

3. Policy Statement
Malahide Cricket Club will not deny anybody access to playing, the ground or using
the pavilion on the grounds of gender, religion, sexuality, ethnic origin, or disability.
We are committed to:
• Promoting equality of opportunity for all.
• Celebrating and valuing diversity.
• Ensuring inclusion in all aspects of Club activities.

4. Objectives
The objectives of this policy are to:
• Ensure fair and equal treatment for all members and visitors.
• Foster a culture of respect and dignity.
• Remove barriers to participation.
• Promote understanding and appreciation of diversity.
• Provide equal opportunities in recruitment, membership, and participation.

5. Key Principles

5.1 Equality
• The Club will treat all individuals fairly and with respect.
• We will provide equal opportunities for participation and advancement in all

5.2 Diversity
• The Club recognizes and values the differences in our community.
• We will celebrate the diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and abilities of our

5.3 Inclusion
• The Club is committed to creating an inclusive environment where everyone
feels welcome and valued.
• We will actively seek to include underrepresented groups in all aspects of our

6. Implementation

6.1 Leadership and Governance
• The Club’s leadership will champion and promote EDI principles.
• Until an EDI officer or committee is appointed the Executive Committee will
oversee the implementation of this policy.

6.2 Training and Awareness
• Where required, EDI training will be provided to all members, staff, and
• Awareness campaigns will be conducted to educate members about the
importance of EDI.

6.3 Communication
• The EDI policy will be communicated to all members, staff, and visitors.
• Feedback mechanisms will be established to allow for ongoing dialogue and

6.4 Recruitment and Membership
• Recruitment and membership processes will be fair, transparent, and free from
• The Club will take steps to ensure diverse representation in its membership
and in particular its leadership.

6.5 Facilities and Accessibility
• The Club will ensure that in developing the pavilion its facilities are accessible
to all, including those with disabilities.
• Reasonable adjustments will be made to accommodate the needs of all

7. Transgender Inclusion

Malahide Cricket Club is committed to providing a welcoming and inclusive
environment for transgender and non-binary individuals. We recognize the
importance of allowing all members to participate in a manner consistent with their
gender identity.

7.1 Participation
• Transgender individuals are welcome to participate in the team that aligns
with their gender identity.
• The Club will respect the privacy and confidentiality of all members regarding
their gender identity.

7.2 Facilities
• The Club will ensure that in developing the pavilion, changing and bathroom
facilities are accessible and safe for all members, including transgender and
non-binary individuals.
• Where possible, the Club will provide gender-neutral facilities.

7.3 Support and Education
• Where required, training and resources will be provided to educate members,
staff, and volunteers about transgender inclusion and the importance of
respect and sensitivity.
• The Club will provide support to transgender members to ensure their full and
equal participation.

7.4 Non-Discrimination
• Any form of discrimination, harassment, or bullying based on gender identity
or expression will not be tolerated.
• Complaints of discrimination or harassment will be taken seriously and
addressed promptly and confidentially.

7.5 Compliance
• The Club will comply with relevant legislation and guidelines related to
transgender inclusion in sport.

8. Monitoring and Evaluation
• The Club will regularly monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of this policy.
• Data on participation and membership diversity will be collected and
• Feedback from members will be used to inform continuous improvement.

9. Complaints and Grievances
• Any member who feels they have been treated unfairly or discriminated
against can raise a complaint.
• Complaints will be handled promptly, fairly, and confidentially, in accordance
with the Club’s grievance procedures.

10. Review
• This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains relevant and
• Amendments will be made as necessary to reflect changes in legislation or
Club practices.
• Amendments will also be made as necessary in response to publication of
positions by relevant bodies including Cricket Ireland & Cricket Leinster.

11. Conclusion
Malahide Cricket Club is dedicated to creating an inclusive and welcoming
environment for all. We believe that embracing diversity and promoting equality
enriches our community and enhances the experience for everyone involved in the

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